Articles on: People

Introduction to People

We have created People to make it easy for your Church to communicate with your congregation, the local community and people you have been in contact with. The goal is to enable you to reach out to more people and develop stronger relationships with your congregation.

Our People solution contains three parts:



The overview shows you all the existing contacts and lists. From here you can create and edit contacts as well as create new and edit existing lists.

Message: A message can be a SMS or an e-mail
E-mail (simple): A simple e-mail is a 'regular' e-mail, which only includes text. It is used when writing a contact individually.
E-mail (advanced editor): the advanced editor allows you to format text, use your church logo, add an image, add events from the calendar and blog posts to your e-mail.
Tags: A tag can be assigned to a contact and allows you to group contacts into lists with similar characteristics or interests, such as "Baptism", "Choir", "Children activities", "Youth" etc.
Lists: A list is a group of contacts, which are defined by one or more filters. This can be tags, birthday or similar.


Here you can send messages, work on drafts and see message history. You can also schedule your messages so you can plan the shipments of the messages at specific dates and times.

Sent: Here you find the messages you have already sent.
Scheduled: Here you find the messages you have scheduled for shipment later on.
Draft: Here are the messages that you are working on and have not sent yet.

You can also see reports on all messages that you have sent, which includes opening rate on the messages along with the contacts whom have opened your e-mails and clicked on your events and blogs.


Tags enable you to tailor your communication with people on a personal level based on their interests and relations with your church. You can create as many tags as you like and add an unlimited number of people to a tag. Tags also make it easy to monitor the types of interactions you have as church with individuals.

Be careful with deleting old tags as you will lose history associated with the tags.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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