Articles on: People

Create new contact fields

You can create your own contact fields in ChurchDesk People. In this article you will learn how to create these fields and how to add the information to your contacts.

How to create your own contact fields (Organisation administrator only)

To create new fields you navigate to ChurchDesk People and click the "Fields" button in the black sidebar.

Tip: If you're editing a contact you can also add a few by clicking "Configure fields" from within the contact's profile.

Drag in a field

Now you can start add the fields matching the information you wish to register about your contacts. 

A variety of field types are available on your left. Simply drag the one you need and drop it on to the area on your right.

Tip: Try to order your fields and group them into "Field groups" as this will make it much easier when your colleagues needs to find information or register new.

Field type breakdown

Text field: This one-line text field allows you enter a short amount of information.
Text box: The multi-line text field allows you to enter a great deal of text information.
Number: This field only accepts numerical values which is useful for recording age, attendees, length, etc.
Checkbox: This option will give you a single checkbox which is useful for recording yes or no (true or false) information.
Multiple choice: This option allow you to create your own list of terms and pick multiple terms from a list. This is useful for limitting options and ensure similarity.
Dropdown: This option allow you to create your own list of terms and pick a single term from a dropdown menu. This is great to lock down options and ensure that only one is selected.
Single choice: This field allows only one choice to be made.
Custom event: The custom event field only accepts dates and is useful for recording important life events.


Electoral Roll, i.e. On the electoral roll, member since, electoral roll declaration,
Choir, i.e. Member of choir, Member of choir since, Permission to share photos on social media, Tone of voice, Parent/guardian.

Click save in the top right corner when you're done. Now all your contacts will have the new fields available. You'll also be able to choose these fields when you're building forms via ChurchDesk Forms. This is a perfect way to let your members enrich their own data and thereby freeing up your own time.

Updated on: 19/07/2024

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