Articles on: Calendar

Create, edit and delete absence

Create absence from the Calendar by clicking on the "Create" and then choose "Absence" or you can click directly in the calendar and choose "Absence" in the pop-up.

You have to be a member of a group to create absences
You can as a point of departure only create absence for yourself
If you have the permission "Can manage absences" you can also create and manage absences on behalf of other users.

Absence information:

User: Choose the absent user
Date: Provide the date and time for which the absence applies. You can also create repeating absences
Type: What is the reason for the absence? E.g. Courses, Holiday etc.
Group: Choose a group to which the absence applies

Additional information

Substitute: Here you can write who should be the substitute on behalf of you
Comments: Write a comment, fx. information that is relevant for the substitute

Edit and delete absences

Absences are edited and deleted like any other calendar event.

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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