Articles on: Introduction

Create and Manage Users

Get an overview of the users in your organization by clicking on your name in the blue toolbar and select Users.

Create a new user

As an Organization Administrator, you can quickly add a new user to your organization. All you need is a personal or official email address. Once invited, you can assign permissions and invite the user to the appropriate groups in the Group Module.

Click on your name in the top blue bar. Select "Users".
Click on "Add a user" in the top right corner.
Write the email of the user and add first and last names.
Assign the appropriate groups and roles.
Click "Send invite".
The new user will then shortly receive an email invite to log onto the system and choose their personal password.

Edit user information in ChurchDesk

In ChurchDesk, individuals are responsible to maintain their own information, including name and email. The Organization Administrators have full control of each user's permissions and can edit these at any time.

Block a user

We recommend blocking users instead of deleting them to avoid unintentionally erasing important content created by the user.

Click on your name in the top blue bar and select "Users".
Go to the user you want to block in the list, and click "More" on the far right.
In the dropdown, choose "Block".
Now the person will no longer have access to ChurchDesk, but the content the person has added and created in ChurchDesk will remain.

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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