Articles on: Forms

Introduction to Forms

Why online forms?

Every church has been there. You have tried emailing endlessly back and forth with people regarding baptisms, weddings or hall rental. Manually typed in paper registrations for an event..

Online forms is a great way to end all of that. 

Be in touch and grow your church

An online registration option is a great way to get to know people, build relationships and invite them to come back again.

ChurchDesk Forms are easy to share on your website, via social media or in your newsletter, so you can get more sign-ups.

Easy to use

You can create a form for the most common use case by using one of our templates.

You can create or edit forms by simply drag and drop in the fields you need.

Integrated to ChurchDesk People

A contact registered on a form is automatically created in People as a contact. No manual data entry required and you are ready to build a relationship by staying in touch.

Updated on: 19/07/2024

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