Articles on: Portal

Getting started with ChurchDesk Portal

The ChurchDesk Portal is made to help deaneries, districts and dioceses tell the world what is going on in your churches of interesting activities. One must know what happens in the church to participate in the church community.

The Portal makes it is easy to create a single overview of all of the activities across all churches on any of your websites
Parishes will only need to make sure that their ChurchDesk calendar is updated - everything else happens automatically
The Portal also makes it easy for you to share all of the activities with newspapers and other parties with our easy to use reporting tool

The Portal is built directly into ChurchDesk, so it is easy to manage and the Portal can be embedded into any of your websites.

To get started simply reach out to your ChurchDesk advisor and we can help you get started.

ChurchDesk will help you with the roll-out and setup the churches across your deanery, district og diocese the Portal should get events from.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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