Articles on: Portal

How to define event categories in your Portal

When you want to show which events takes place across your deanery, district or diocese you would want visitors to be able to filter the events based on what kind of event it is. 

Therefore you need to create the event categories that you want to allow visitors to use for filtering all of your exciting events.

Go to categories in the Portal module
Here you'll have the option to create a category in the top right hand side
For each category you will have to give the event category a name and a description
Once you have create the category the categories are listed in the table

When all you categories have been created you will have to inform the churches that the event categories that they have in their own ChurchDesk calendars will have to be matched to the Portal categories for a simple and standardised way of seeing all events across the churches. You will be able to see if the churches have matched their categories to yours in the Portal under organisation - this is called "Connected categories".

Step-by-Step illustration

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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