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Text module

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Add and edit text
Edit module design

Use the Text module when you want to include text on your website. You can add a Text module by selecting Text under the category Text and structure in the Add module overlay.

On the module, you can either edit the module's design or the actual text. Edit the text either by clicking anywhere on existing text and you will be taken directly to the Text Editor, or click on Edit text on the module dropdown.

Add and edit text

Once you're editing text on the Text module, the Text Editor will appear just below the Editor's main navigation panel, as illustrated on the image below.

The Text Editor offers you plenty of ways to style and format the text on your website. You can either set any text you have highlighted to inherit one of your predefined text styles from Global Design or you can change the formatting locally. To apply a text style, select one from the Design dropdown in the top left corner of the Text Editor.

The Text Editor supports Google fonts; you can find a list of fonts available here.

Read more about the specific features of the Text Editor here.

How to add Global Data in text: Adding information from Global Data to a Text module is simple and ensures that your company information always stays up-to-date everywhere throughout your website. To add Global Data to your text, click on the globe icon in the Text Editor, select Insert, and choose the relevant piece of information from the dropdown.
The corresponding information from Global Data is automatically injected into your paragraph through a Global Data tag and will update dynamically when you change the corresponding content in Global Data. If, for example, you use the tag [company_name], the Editor will automatically fetch your company name from Global Data. If you subsequently change the name in Global Data, it will immediately be reflected in the text where you have inserted the tag.

Hyphenation for word breaks

The grammatically correct hyphenation of words only works with the text setting H (H1, H2,...,) not with P.
In the context of search engine optimization, use H1 only for the most important heading of the respective subpage.
H2, H3, etc. are gradations of the importance of the text content.

Edit module design

Hover the module and select an option from Design in the dropdown menu. Here you can change background, border and spacing for the module.

Background: change the background of your module to either a color or an image.
Border: add a border around your text and specify style, width, radius and color.
Spacing: add spacing either between your text and the module frame (padding) or outside of the module (margin).

Updated on: 09/07/2024

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