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Manual definition of cookie consent (Expert)

Cookies load or suppress content based on the visitor's consent.

In the ChurchDesk “Cookies and Analytics” package, you have the cookiebot from Usercentrics included. This can automatically show and hide content on your website depending on whether or not the individual visitor gives their consent.
If there is external content on your website that was not recognized during Cookiebot's monthly check, you can also add the desired settings manually.

The visibility of these external elements, integrated via HTML module, is defined by a series of CSS class names that you can apply to each element:





Here are two examples of how you can use these CSS classes:

Edit the second line in each case and insert the content that should only be shown if the corresponding cookies have been accepted.

Marketing cookies must be consented to:
<div class="cookieconsent-optin-marketing">
      Please replace this line and insert the content that should be shown if the cookies have been accepted.
<div class="cookieconsent-optout-marketing">
<a href="javascript: Cookiebot.renew()"> Please accept marketing cookies to view this content.</a>

Marketing and statistics cookies must be consented to:
(Classes can be added one after the other with a blank line).
<div class="cookieconsent-optin-marketing cookieconsent-optin-statistics">
      Please replace this line and insert the content that should be shown if the cookies have been accepted.
<div class="cookieconsent-optout-marketing cookieconsent-optout-statistics">
<a href="javascript: Cookiebot.renew()"> Please accept marketing and statistics cookies to view this content.</a>

Updated on: 19/07/2024

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