Articles on: Website

How to preview and publish your website

On this page:

How to preview your website
Publish your website

How to preview your website

You find the preview icon in the upper right corner of the Editor. To preview your website, click on the Preview button and a new window will open with a preview of your website.

Use the keyboard shortcut

Preview your website by using the keyboard shortcut Option ⌥ + P (Mac) / Alt + P (PC).

You can preview three different views of your website: desktop, tablet and mobile. This gives you the opportunity to assess how your website looks on all three viewports and whether you need to make any adjustments on either of them.

When previewing your website, you're able to browse it on all three viewports side by side.

Preview directly on desktop view: If you only want to preview your website on desktop view, you have the option to go directly to the desktop preview by holding down the Option ⌥ (Mac) / Alt (PC) key on your keyboard while pressing the preview icon.

Publish your website

Your website will only be publicly visible after you've clicked the publish button. If you make any adjustments or add new content after clicking the publish button, the changes will only be visible to others when you publish the website again. This ensures that you can work on your website without having to publish it and make it available to others before your edits are completed.

How to publish your website

You find the publish button in the upper right corner of the Editor. Click on the button to publish your website. Once you've clicked the publish button, an overlay will appear asking you if you're sure that you want to publish your site.

Upon clicking Publish again, the Editor will start generating images on the published version of your website. This may take a while depending to the amount of images you have. Once images are generated, your site will be live. Click the View Site button in the toast to see your live site.

Allow others to preview your website: If you want other people - for example collaborators, clients, or external partners - to see a preview of your site without you needing to publish it first, you can use the Enable Public Preview setting. Read more in this article.

Updated on: 07/08/2023

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